How did Incremys help TERACT harness the power of SEO to make Gamm Vert and Jardiland the leaders on their market

Over 500 articles produced each year for both domains combined


of the keywords

developed by Incremys are now in the Google Top 10 – with 60% in
the Top 3)

Tens of millions of visits monthly bringing over


growth in 2 years


of the keywords

developed with Incremys are now in the Google Top 10 (with 36% in
the Top 3)

Tens of millions of visits monthly bringing over


growth in 2 years

TERACT: Gamm Vert and Jardiland boost SEO with Incremys

  • Gamm Vert and Jardiland are subsidiaries of TERACT, the #1 agricultural cooperative group in France.
  • The Gamm Vert brand was created in 1977 and comprises physical stores plus online retail specialising in gardening pet supplies and local products.
  • A network of 900+ stores
  • Jardiland is a retail specialist for garden supplies, pets and lifestyle.
  • A network of 150+ stores

Issues and targets?

  • Acquiring qualified organic traffic and optimising SEO techniques using different channels to promote and raise the profile of our many products.
  • Optimising the drive-to-store process. To inform and advise the user through digital channels facilitates the purchase decision and increases footfall through the stores.
  • Promoting e-commerce publications by creating both relevant and high-quality content for the reader answering their queries to help increase sales.

What were the challenges?

Having only a small in-house SEO team needing to promote the product range for Gamm Vert and Jardiland, our team decided to employ Incremys to achieve quicker results and place our brands at the top of Google ranking.

🎯 The target:

Hit the ground running by quickly creating the right editorials through a prioritised SEO strategy and with focus on high returns.

‘Incremys provides us with an end-to-end technology that makes the work much easier. They ensure our sites have good technical health and define the right SEO strategy by focusing on added value. First they seamlessly organise the editorial planner and provide clear and detailled briefs to the writers. Then they assign the content creation and fix the deadlines, write, proofread and validate our SEO publications AND finish with the follow-up work.’

L̩a Savonitti РSEO project manager РInvivo Retail

The Incremys SaaS:

a systemised all-round tool for creating winning strategies


Optimizing the site’s technical health and identifying the pages with the highest potential


Creating a data-driven strategy


Large scale management of SEO campaigns


100% optimised SEO content


Centralizing result access and celebrating accomplishments

Step 1

Optimizing the site’s technical health and identifying the pages with the highest potential

The InVivo Retail teams used the Incremys platform to obtain a 360° eye view of their initial SEO performance.

Incremys’s multi-domain management allows easy transition from domain to domain which means we can work more coherently as a team without encroaching on each other’s roles.

‘Page mapping’ functionalities and ‘contribution’ integrated into the platform allowed easy overview of all pages on the Google results. It identified the highest contributing pages such as best performing magazine articles and catalogue pages, along with pages needing optimisation.

✨ Daily

  • This global view helped clarify strategic issues and the most relevant keywords to work on first. Before Incremys, our teams didn’t have this overview of the whole potential content opportunities because of the many pages on the sites.
  • Additionally, the software displays and prioritizes both these semantic opportunities and technical corrections maximizing the impact of the actions our teams implement.

This global view helped clarify strategic issues and the most relevant keywords to work on first. Before Incremys, our teams didn’t have this overview of the whole potential content opportunities because of the many pages on the sites.

This global view helped clarify strategic issues and the most relevant keywords to work on first. Before Incremys, our teams didn’t have this overview of the whole potential content opportunities because of the many pages on the sites.

‘Incremys helps us check all optimisations centrally with automatic prioritisation of the elements based on their business impact. It’s an incredible time-saver when you manage a site with a high volume of pages.’

Step 2

Creating a data-driven strategy

The functionality of the competition analysis, coupled with Incremys’s predictive intelligence and keyword search function, helped our teams effectively target high priority pages that needed either creating or reworking, to increase our ranking in search engine results.

With the aim of ranking first on Google, the team can easily determine the right strategy to implement and be certain to maximize their ROI.

🎯 The target:

  • Easier decision process to establish the chosen SEO strategy by prioritising business value and expected ROI
  • Capture the audience by achieving top position on Google and thus increase market shares
  • Focus on clear visuals and accessible data understood by the whole team.

✨ Results ?

Since 2018, 80% of the keywords developed with Incremys has placed Gamm Vert in the Top 10 results on Google, with 60% of those keywords ranking in the Top 3.

✨ Results ?

Since 2018, 80% of the keywords developed with Incremys has placed Gamm Vert in the Top 10 results on Google, with 60% of those keywords ranking in the Top 3.

Step 2

Creating a data-driven strategy

The functionality of the competition analysis, coupled with Incremys’s predictive intelligence and keyword search function, helped our teams effectively target high priority pages that needed either creating or reworking, to increase our ranking in search engine results.

With the aim of ranking first on Google, the team can easily determine the right strategy to implement and be certain to maximize their ROI.

🎯 The target:

  • Easier decision process to establish the chosen SEO strategy by prioritising business value and expected ROI
  • Capture the audience by achieving top position on Google and thus increase market shares
  • Focus on clear visuals and accessible data understood by the whole team.

‘By making sense of all our data, Incremys gives us truly a competitive edge! The Incremys’s technology easily increases our ability to make quick and smart decisions by explaining our choices to both our product teams and technical teams working on the site. Both teams clearly understand the reasons behind the choices we make and their impact on the business.’

Step 3

Large scale management of
SEO campaigns

Gamm Vert and Jardiland rely on the SEO campaign functionalities provided by Incremys for both production and management by producing high quality and great quantity content.

Managers and writers share the same editorial planner and can thus keep abreast of the progression of the articles in progress.

The brief creation module gives managers the opportunity to clarify their expectations for their writers. This function offers a huge semantic pool from which to establish the brief guidelines – marketing approach, expected word length – and the relevant topics to integrate and enhance the quality of the writing.

Being able to allocate articles to the writers, inform them of the deadlines and the progress status of the production are keys to optimising everyone’s efficiency and facilitating communication between teams.

Competition analysis helps our managers identify relevant keyword options such as article length.

Step 3

Large scale management of
SEO campaigns

Gamm Vert and Jardiland rely on the SEO campaign functionalities provided by Incremys for both production and management by producing high quality and great quantity content.

Managers and writers share the same editorial planner and can thus keep abreast of the progression of the articles in progress.

The brief creation module gives managers the opportunity to clarify their expectations for their writers. This function offers a huge semantic pool from which to establish the brief guidelines – marketing approach, expected word length – and the relevant topics to integrate and enhance the quality of the writing.

Being able to allocate articles to the writers, inform them of the deadlines and the progress status of the production are keys to optimising everyone’s efficiency and facilitating communication between teams.

Competition analysis helps our managers identify relevant keyword options such as article length.

‘The web users’ searches on Google are becoming more and more specific. Incremys helps us make sure our answers are relevant to their queries.’

Jeanne Bourbon – Editorial content head manager – Invivo Retail

‘The writers are faster and completely self-sufficient when creating their articles. They know immediately what they need to include and are given the tools to easily write optimized performing content!’

Step 4

100% optimized SEO content

The Editor module helps produce 100% optimized SEO content. The writers for Gamm Vert and Jardiland are completely self-sufficient, saving valuable time. Real-time assessment of their SEO score and suggested optimisations help them produce better content, without being experts at SEO writing.

The proofreading functionalities, integrated into the platform, facilitate the exchange between managers and writers. Communication is effortless and centralised within the team. It reduces time spent on validating articles speeding up the online publication process of the newly created content.

✨ Results ?

The Incremys SaaS helps the InVivo Retail teams produce high quality SEO optimized content in high quantity all year long. On average we produce more than 500 articles per year. That’s over 1500 articles since 2018!

‘The writers are faster and completely self-sufficient when creating their articles. They know immediately what they need to include and are given the tools to easily write optimised performing content!’

Step 4

100% optimized SEO content

The Editor module helps produce 100% optimised SEO content. The writers for Gamm Vert and Jardiland are completely self-sufficient, saving valuable time. Real-time assessment of their SEO score and suggested optimisations help them produce better content, without being experts at SEO writing.

The proofreading functionalities, integrated into the platform, facilitate the exchange between managers and writers. Communication is effortless and centralized within the team. It reduces time spent on validating articles speeding up the online publication process of the newly created content.

‘The writers are faster and completely self-sufficient when creating their articles. They know immediately what they need to include and are given the tools to easily write optimised performing content!’

✨ Results ?

The Incremys SaaS helps the InVivo Retail teams produce high quality SEO optimized content in high quantity all year long. On average we produce more than 500 articles per year. That’s over 1500 articles since 2018!

‘The writers are faster and completely self-sufficient when creating their articles. They know immediately what they need to include and are given the tools to easily write optimized performing content!’

Step 5

Centralizing result access and celebrating accomplishments

Pour permettre au groupe Invivo Retail de piloter les stratégies SEO de Gamm All the performance reports are centralised within the Incremys platform, which means InVivo Retail can implement SEO strategies for Jardiland and Gamm Vert based on actual data..

Incremys’s connection to Google Analytics and Search Console – among others – provides detailed visuals and indicators: own ranking vs. competitors, SEA equivalent etc.

Having a global overview of all the ranking positions and their progress in a visual way is a great asset for the teams at Gamm Vert and Jardiland. They can quickly assess the scale of their tasks and the impact they have. Tailor-made reporting creates and generates in-depth post-campaign reports to determine ranking progress for each site.

‘With Incremys, it’s clear to see the link between the work produced and the impact it has on our performance.’

‘With Incremys, it’s clear to see the link between the work produced and the impact it has on our performance.’